Kathie Leonard

Owner/CEO | Auburn Manufacturing, Inc.

Kathie Leonard 

Auburn Manufacturing, Inc. (AMI) is a woman-owned small business (WOSB) founded by Ms. Leonard in 1979 and located in the State of Maine. For over four decades, the company of approximately 50 people has been producing extreme heat- and fire-resistant textile products for industrial, defense-related, and institutional applications throughout the U.S., and globally to over 30 countries.

Major industries served by AMI include shipbuilding/repair, automotive, aerospace, petroleum, power generation, foundry/metal fabrication and institutional markets. The company has developed its markets through active membership in related industry associations, technical committees, safety organizations, and state and federal government entities.

AMI has remained a domestic manufacturer throughout its history. In 2017, the company was successful in its anti-dumping/countervailing duty petition against Chinese imports. Duties up to 300% were imposed on Chinese silica fabrics entering the US in response to the effort and continue today.