Financing Export Sales: Resources for Massachusetts Businesses

When: Monday, September 23, 2024 - 3:22am - 3:22am
Where: Online - EST

Striking the right balance between risk mitigation and ease of doing business is a challenge that faces many exporters, especially when working with unfamiliar customers located in unfamiliar places. How do you protect your business against export credit risk and nonpayment while adapting to the factors surrounding each transaction? How can you best work with your buyer to offer credit terms that will benefit you and enable them to pay your business? Fortunately, tools are available for businesses to finance export sales and protect against nonpayment that can meet the unique needs of sellers and buyers.

Please join us as we hear from the U.S. Small Business Administration and the Export-Import Bank of the U.S. to learn about grants and loan programs for export sales; tools for extending credit to foreign buyers; and export credit insurance resources that can protect against foreign buyer nonpayment.