EXIM Bank's Transportation Division will evaluate the performance of Qualified Advisors periodically  based on the elements below.

Financial Analysis

  • Adequacy and quality of the financial information relied upon by the Qualified Advisor
  • Accurate representation of such financial information in the analysis
  • Inclusion of ratios required under EXIM Bank's medium or long-term risk rating methodology as appropriate for each transaction
  • Additional factors not included in these methodologies that should be taken into account for a specific buyer - inclusion of all key points
  • Thoroughness of the analysis; thoughtful insight and analysis - not just regurgitation of facts

Background Check

  • Adequacy and quality of the business, reputation and other information provided and reviewed
  • Fairness  and accuracy of assessment of the information provided

Business Experience and Market Position

  • Thoroughness of detailed summary of the operator's business and experience related to aviation
  • Sufficient detail included in  the description of borrower's market and analysis of its market position

Risk Rating Recommendation

  • The analysis of the borrower supports the recommended risk rating
  • EXIM Bank concurs with the risk rating recommended by the Qualified Advisor
  • A challenge to the proposed rating under ASU procedures is not due to relevant data "missed" by the Qualified Advisor

Collateral Analysis

  • Accurate identification of aircraft specifications, discounts and options
  • Estimated current and future values provided by qualified source and adjusted as appropriate to reflect individual customer's aircraft experience, maintenance available in country, use and hours, etc.
  • LTV (loan to value)analysis includes appropriate penalty interest and estimated costs to recover and remarket the aircraft

Recommended Structuring

  • Full explanation of rationale for recommended terms, supported by the analysis
  • Terms reflect operator's use of the aircraft and experience with other aircraft
  • Recommended terms usually included in the EXIM Bank approved transaction

Country Risk

  • Accurate analysis of country risk related to recovery of the aircraft
  • EXIM Bank usually concurs with the country risk analysis

Quality of Presentation

  • Well written and well-organized presentation
  • All required information is included
  • Submission is in agreed format

Track Record/Working Relationship

  • Quality of the transactions developed by the Qualified Advisor - late payments, defaults, claims
  • Availability to work with EXIM Bank staff on a timely basis to respond to questions and provide additional information when needed
  • Ability to work constructively with EXIM Bank staff to resolve any differences of opinion related to the analysis, proposed structure, etc.
  • Ability to facilitate and to effect assistance from the OEM in recovering, repairing and remarketing the aircraft upon request by EXIM Bank.