EXIM’s Structured & Project Finance Division has been in operation since 1993 and has supported over 83 projects in 36 countries providing over $37 billion in loans to support groundbreaking infrastructure projects. EXIM’s project financing approach features projects with complex contractual structures that govern the project parties during the construction and operation periods. Projects suitable for EXIM financing, generate sufficient revenue to service debt and provide an adequate return to shareholders, once in commercial operation. EXIM projects are subject to extensive underwriting typical of a large project financing and include - but are not limited to - technical, environmental, market, financial, legal and insurance due diligence. EXIM has supported U.S. content in small renewable energy power projects to large energy “mega” commodity and extraction projects involving multiple lenders and export credit agencies.
Common Features of a Successful EXIM Supported Project Financing
EXIM can begin financing activity when the project is sufficiently developed and is ready to be submitted to the rigors of lender due diligence and lending terms and conditions (“term sheet”) negotiations. The project must be “Bankable” to EXIM. At a minimum, the applicant/project sponsor(s) should provide the following “Project Characteristics”:
- The transaction must be sound. EXIM seeks reliability of the project’s future cash flows to repay project debt. There must be a solid well-conceived business plan.
- The project sponsor(s) must commit alongside EXIM to the funding of the project via substantial equity contributions. The project company/borrower/customers and off-taker(s)/supplier(s) and contractors must be creditworthy and be willing to commit to their respective contractual obligations to the project.
- The project should have completed its feasibility studies, front end engineering and design (FEED), approved Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and preliminary finance plan structure. The project sponsor(s) should have engaged its own legal and financial consultants.
- Sponsor(s) must provide a preliminary information memo (PIM) outlining the key elements of the Project, including a detailed Project Management Schedule illustrating milestones to each project phase development.
- Risk allocation is spread amongst several key stakeholders and counterparties. Project risks should be borne by the parties best able to manage the risks.
- Project economic benefits and incentives should be available to all Project stakeholders to align interests and ensure success of the Project commercial operations.
- The conventional project financing structure will provide EXIM or its guaranteed lender with debt repayment of principal and interest fully amortized and supported by the project’s contracted sales with creditworthy counterparties.
- The Financial Model of the project will outline all project costs and demonstrate the project company’s ability to pay debt service to repay the EXIM loan or guaranteed loan, including all other lender liability obligations. The model should reflect the sources and uses of capital during construction period, revenues and expenses during operations and debt amortization with resulting financial ratios as established by and negotiated with EXIM or guaranteed lender.
- If market risk exists in the project, such as with commodity projects, the commodity must be linked to international benchmarks where revenues are paid in U.S. dollars. The contracts should provide for firm volume commitments by the off-taker with extension options.
EXIM reserves the right to request additional information as needed during the underwriting process up until financial close.
The table below outlines common project features as guidelines of Successful EXIM Supported Project Financings.
Common Project Characteristics of Successful EXIM Supported Project Financings
Project Characteristics | Project Company / Project Stakeholders | EXIM’s Position |
Sponsor Equity |
Advanced Project Development |
Binding Shareholders Agreement and/or Joint Venture Agreement |
Project Sponsor(s) |
Management Team |
Technology |
Resource Feedstock Supply |
Construction Delay Construction Completion |
O&M (Operations & Maintenance) |
Project Financial Model Project Revenues |
Off-taker(s) Off-take Contracts |
Commodity Price Risk |